
Indra Ganesan College of Engineering, established at 2008 is a leading and organized educational institution is run by Indra Ganesan Educational & Charitable Trust which has consistently followed a growth path owing to our philosophy of constant innovation, upgradation and well defined quality policy. We believe in educating people with the necessary skills to advance the engineering "state of the art". We have launched belief in the discovery of new knowledge through innovative research that encourages entrepreneurship and economic development to benefit our societies which lead us towards Excellence. Here equal importance is given to teaching and we follow ethical, environmentally responsible engineering practice, which is the need of this hour.

Programmes Offered

B.E. Agricultural Engineering
B.E. Computer Science and Engineering
B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering
B.E. Mechnical Engineering
B.Tech. Artificial Itelligence & Data Science
B.Tech. Information Technology
M.E. Computer Science & Engineering