Innovative Practices

The Institution has established many innovative practices. To cite some of them:

1. An internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) for the institution is responsible for reviewing its quality metrics. The focus is on both monitoring and looking for ways to raise the caliber of services. Also, Academic and Administrative Audit Committees are appointed for evaluation.

2. In order to adhere to the most recent managerial principles, the Institution implements strategic planning in all facets of its activities, including teaching, research, and administration.

3. The management style of the Institution includes group collaboration and decision-making through several representative committees.

4. Through value-based courses and extension programmes, efforts are made to instil values in the brains of the students.

5. The Institution takes special efforts towards the all-round personality development of the learners.

6. In the case of students, efforts are taken to promote the capacity to learn independently, the communication skill and capacity to work as a team.

7. There are several MoUs signed with industries and reputed research institutions in India and abroad.

8. The Institution organize international and national conferences, workshops and seminars regularly.

9. Over the years, the strength of the faculty members, the research scholars and students have been increased at a great phase.